What are some of the healthiest wines?

There are a lot of research studies on the benefits of wine for health. Wines with red color may help protect against heart disease, and white wine could improve kidney health and help protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

Different types of wines offer other health benefits as well as risks.

Certain varieties of wine, including sparkling wine, are more in calories than other types; however, others are more aggressive in alcohol content.

The health benefits of wine typically are derived directly from grapes used by manufacturers to make it.

One can benefit from some health benefits of drinking wine in moderate quantities.

Someone who drinks excess amounts of alcohol can risk developing health issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Trusted Source defines moderate drinking as having two drinks or less daily for men and one drink or less each every day for women.

This article outlines the possible health benefits of drinking wine. It also discusses the risks that be posed by drinking wine.

Does wine have health benefits?


According to research, wine may have health benefits. Many of these benefits can be attributed because of the polyphenol amount in wine. Polyphenols are micronutrients found in plants.

review in 2019 that examined the Mediterranean diet revealed that polyphenols possess intense antioxidant action, which could stop cell damage caused by the effects of oxidative stresses as well as inflammation.

The majority of polyphenols that are found in the food chain are flavonoids. Flavonoids are natural substances found in fruits and vegetables and their products, such as wine.

One 2019 study by Trusted Source to study Flavonoids’ effects found in drinks and food items, including wines like red, on neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, discovered that they slowed the growth of proteins that trigger this disease.

2017 review by the Trusted Source also highlighted the benefits of flavonoids to health in wine. Due to these flavonoids, researchers stated that wines could have anticancer and anti-diabetes benefits.

They also noted that certain polyphenols present in wine could hinder or stop the growth of cancerous cells, and some may block enzymes and impede the absorption of glucose.

In studies, researchers typically consider Trusted Sources the advantages of polyphenols in wine, independent of the alcohol content.

The levels of polyphenols present in wine are pretty trim. In addition, this study focused on in vitro testing. Therefore, more research is needed to prove the effectiveness of these positive health effects for those who consume wine.

In many ways, the health risks associated with wine are more significant than any advantages it might bring.

For instance, drinking lots of wine could have adverse health rather than positive effects, including trusted Source:

  • liver damage
  • The fetus is at risk during pregnancy
  • cancer

Wine red

Red wines are classified according to the grapes that the producers take them from and the region where they collect their grapes. The grapes they harvest will possess distinctive qualities, like their taste and color.

Certain types of red wine are:

  • Cabernet
  • Malbec
  • Shiraz
  • Merlot
  • Zinfandel
  • Barbera
  • Pinot Noir
  • Beaujolais
  • Lambrusco
  • St. Laurent

How do producers produce red wine?

The producers make red wine by removing dark grapes. They crush these grapes keeping the skin intact since the skin enhances the flavor and color of the wine.

Then, they include yeast in the mixture of grapes. This helps convert sugar to alcohol. This is called the process of fermentation.

The juice is then extracted from the fermented grapes. They filter it and then bottle it.

The potential benefits of red wine

Red wine is the most extensively researched wine type regarding its health benefits.

Type 2 diabetes

One 2017 review conducted by the Trusted Source discovered that flavonoids present in red wine could help prevent type 2 diabetes.

But, a 2018 study concluded that wine consumption did not increase a person’s glucose levels. The authors said further research is needed to confirm their findings and the safety of drinking wine in people with type 2 diabetes.

Heart health

2017 review by Trusted by Source from the American Heart Association (AHA) identified epidemiological studies which show that people may be at an increased chance of suffering from heart disease when they drink red wine.

However, epidemiological studies may produce less reliable data.

Red wine also has the compound resveratrol, which is an antioxidant that can be found in the skin of grapes. Since the winemakers leave the grapes’ skin throughout the wine-red fermentation procedure, the process could be a good source of Resveratrol.

One study from 2016 revealed that the benefits of Resveratrol comprise:

  • antioxidant activity
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anticancer activity
  • capacity to guard against neurodegenerative disorders

But, Resveratrol is known to have very low bioavailability for humans. This means the body cannot absorb it in a way that allows you to reap its full benefits.

Gut health

One 2017 systematic review from Trusted Source, which examined seven studies, found that drinking red wines could aid in regulating gut bacteria.

Gut bacteria are vital for a person’s overall health because they assist in controllingTrusted Source of our immune system. Absorb fiberTrusted Source and help to contribute to theTrusted Source for the overall health of the central nervous system.

The authors have pointed out that the complexities of gut bacteria with food polyphenols make it challenging to be sure of their beneficial effects on the human body’s health.

The health of the brain

2017 study by the Trusted Source found that consumption of red wine may result in a lower degree of disability for people with MS.

Risks associated with red wine

The CDC declares that excessive drinking of alcohol caused approximately 95,000 deaths, according to Trusted Source, every calendar year across the United States between 2011 and 2015.

Someone could be more likely to experience migraines when they drink red wine. However, many grave risks come with consuming large quantities of alcohol.

In the words of the CDC, the short-term health risks that come with drinking alcohol of any kind excessively are:

  • injuries
  • Violence
  • alcohol poisoning
  • miscarriage

A few long-term health risks are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Liver disease
  • Cancer
  • weak immune system
  • mental health conditions
  • alcohol use disorder

As a result, people ought to limit their consumption of red wine to moderate amounts.

White wine

The white wines can also be classified based on the grapes they take them from and the area they pick the grapes from.

Certain types of white wine comprise:

  • Chardonnay
  • Pinot Grigio
  • Chenin Blanc
  • Riesling
  • Muscat
  • Sauvignon
  • Muller-Thurgau

What is the process used by manufacturers to produce white wine?

As with red wines, winemakers collect and crush the white wine grapes.

But with white wines, the winemakers typically separate the grape skins and the grape’s juice before the fermentation process begins.

The potential benefits of white wine

Researchers tend to focus less on white wines. However, they have discovered several possible links between drinking white wine and health.

Health and wellness of the neurologic system

One study from 2018 looked at the effects of polyphenols on mice.

Researchers extracted these alcohols, polyphenols, and other compounds from wine and then included them in the diets of mice. They discovered that polyphenols could be beneficial in reducing inflammation chronically associated with Alzheimer’s.

Kidney health

2015 study by Trusted Source discovered it to be the case that caffeic acid, a kind of polyphenol found in white wines, causes releases of the chemical Nitric oxide (NO) from the cells of the endothelial cell.

According to the research, this could be a protective factor for the function of endothelial cells.

White wine has potential risks.

Drinking white wine could make someone more prone to developing some skin conditions.

For instance, a study in 2017 discovered that drinking white wine may be associated with an increase in the risk of Rosacea among women. Rosacea is a form of acne.

2016 study conducted by Trusted Source also showed that consumption of white wines was linked to an increased likelihood of Melanoma, a form of skin cancer.

One may also want to reduce their consumption of white wine as it’s rich in calories and can cause weight gain when consumed excessively. According to Trusted Source, a glass of wine has more than 148 calories.


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