Is red wine good for you?

Health benefits

For a long time, Wine has been an integral part of religious, social, and cultural occasions. In the past, some have speculated that trusted sources have the idea that drinking red wine has benefits for health, especially when paired with eating a balanced diet.

Recent research has suggested that there may be some truth to these claims.

While there aren’t any specific recommendations regarding these advantages, however, a 2018 study by Trusted Source mentions that drinking Wine in moderation is associated with positive effects on:

  • heart disease
  • atherosclerosis
  • hypertension
  • Certain types of Cancer
  • type 2 diabetes

Find out more about drinking moderately.

What can red Wine do to help improve your health?

Red Wine might contain Trusted Sourcehealth benefits because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and ability to regulate lipids.

The red wine we make by crushing dark grapes is very high-quality in Resveratrol, a natural antioxidant found in the grapes’ skin.

Antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress within the body. Oxidative stress is associated with many illnesses like heart disease and Cancer. Disease.

Many healthy, antioxidant-rich food items include nuts, fruits, and even vegetables.

Whole grapes and berries are more effective sources of Resveratrol than Wine. Additionally, due to the health risks of drinking alcohol, obtaining antioxidants from food will likely bring more significant advantages than drinking Wine.

It is possible that people need to drink lots of red wine to take in enough Resveratrol to produce an effect. However, this could cause much more harm than benefit.

However, if you decide between alcoholic drinks, red Wine is more suitable than hard liquor or white Wine.

The following sections provide a closer look at red Wine’s potential health benefits.

Find out more information about the health advantages and risks of drinking Wine.

Health and cardiovascular

Numerous studies have demonstrated a steadfast link between moderate drinking of red Wine and a healthy heart.

Recently reviewed in 2019 reviewTrusted Source found that drinking red wines is associated with less risk of coronary heart illness, the leading cause of death and disease across the United States. The researchers concluded that red wines may be a cardioprotective drink.

However, according to the American Heart Association (AHA), Trusted Source declares that it’s unclear whether any causality or other factors could be involved. For instance, people who drink red wines in moderation could also pursue healthier lifestyles or consume the Mediterranean lifestyle.

The AHA further explains that excessive drinking of alcohol could directly harm the heart. To be safe, one must adhere to the official guidelines of the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, which defines moderate consumption as

  • A glass of Wine a day for females
  • Two glasses of red wine to males

One glass of Wine equals 5 Ounces (oz) of alcohol per volume of 12.

Find out more about the health of your cardiovascular system.

The gut health

The 2017 studyTrusted Source found that grape and red wine polyphenols may help improve the gut microbiota, which can contribute to the health of your gut.

This is because polyphenols from red Wine can also function in the form of prebiotics, which are substances that boost gut health.

The research on the subject is not extensive, and doctors require more proof before they understand the real impact of drinking red Wine on the health of your gut.

Find out how you can improve your gut health.

Type 2 diabetes

One 2015 study conducted by trusted sources has proven that drinking glasses of Wine before a meal “modestly decreases cardiometabolic risk” for people suffering from type 2 diabetes and concluded that moderate red Wine is generally secure.

The researchers believe that alcohol in Wine plays a significant role in metabolizing glucose and that non-alcoholic components could be a part. However, further studies are required to verify the results.

In addition, a 2017 meta-analysis conducted by the Trusted Source discovered moderate consumption of Wine did not affect glucose levels or other risk factors for cardiovascular disease in those with type 2 diabetes.

So, those who have diabetes should consult their doctor before drinking alcohol.

Find out more about the disease.

Blood pressure

Based on The AHATrusted Source, Resveratrol is a natural ingredient that can reduce blood pressure and raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels.

2021 meta-analysis by the Trusted Source found that the red wine compounds known as procyanidins can help keep blood vessels in good health.

Many drinkers find alcohol to be unwinding. But, studies conducted in 2017 by the Trusted Source and in 2021 revealed that grape juice and the whole juice of red grapes can help lower blood pressure. They may be healthier alternatives.

It is crucial to remember that excessive drinking could still result in arrhythmias, high blood pressure, or an erratic heartbeat.

Find out more about high blood pressure.

Brain damage after stroke

review published in 2015 by review trusted Source found that Resveratrol could assist in protecting against the secondary brain damage that occurs after a stroke or central nervous system injury. This is due to its positive impact on oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell death.

2018 study by the Trusted Source discovered that Resveratrol helped reduce oxidative stress and cell death in rats suffering from trauma to the brain.

But both studies have demonstrated the benefits of Resveratrol in particular instead of the effects of red Wine.

Learn more about stroke.

Vision loss

Research has shown that Resveratrol can also aid in preventing vision loss by decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress.

A variety of eye conditions that result in loss of vision are caused by these factors such as:

  • glaucoma
  • cataracts
  • diabetic retinopathy
  • macular degeneration

Find out more about the loss of vision.


Although there are studies suggesting that drinking Wine moderately can reduce the chance of developing specific cancers however, the National Cancer Institute (NCI)Trusted Source affirms that there is evidence that alcohol consumption can cause cancerous conditions, mainly when you drink a lot with time.

This is because it produces toxins in the body, causes damage to the body’s tissues, and triggers the process of oxidation. The potential adverse effects of alcohol can outweigh the benefits of Resveratrol.

The NCI connects alcohol consumption with cancers such as throat, mouth, liver, breast, and colon.

Drinking moderate amounts of red Wine is a good idea for most people. However, it is essential to be aware that drinking too much alcohol is dangerous.

A few studies show moderate consumption of red wines with lower risk or improved outcomes in the case of Cancer. The sections below focus on studies on red Wine and specific types of Cancer.

Find out more about Cancer.

Breast cancer

Alcohol can increase the level of trusted source testosterone in the body. An estrogen that can stimulate the growth of cancerous cells.

However, the 2019 study by the Trusted Source reported that aromatase inhibitors (AIs) like anastrozole and exemestane may be linked to a lower risk of developing invasive Cancer.

Since Wine contains these ingredients, this means that drinking Wine can assist a person in reducing their chances of developing breast cancer.

But, it is not a conclusive conclusion. Another research conducted by Trusted Source shows that drinking alcohol even moderately increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Further studies on the link between red wine consumption and breast cancer are essential before scientists can make any definitive assertions.

Find out more about breast cancer.

Lung cancer

review published in 2017 by the Trusted Source discovered that Resveratrol might have anti-cancer effects against lung cancers in both laboratory and human research. The mechanisms involved include stopping the proliferation of tumor cells and cell growth, causing the death of cancer cells, and preventing metastasis.

These effects come due to Resveratrol, not the Wine itself.

Learn more about lung cancer.

Prostate cancer

2019 study conducted by Trusted Source found that males who consumed alcohol had a lower risk of developing lethal prostate cancer. Additionally, red Wine was associated with a lower risk of advancing to deadly Cancer.

The authors wrote that the results indicate moderate alcohol consumption could be safe for prostate cancer patients.

Find out more about prostate cancer.


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