Discover similar tasting red wines by their intensity, ranging from the lighter to the most powerful.
Only 32 varieties of red wine comprise the majority of the wines available on the market. If every red wine were included in this table, it would add hundreds!
In addition, it’s possible to discover wines that don’t line exactly the way it’s shown. However, this chart can help you determine the red wines that are more bold than others.
Where does the wine’s boldness originate?
A mixture of several essential characteristics of wine determine the degree of boldness it has. For instance the tannin content in wine signifies its boldness, which is reflected in the alcohol levels. Wines with higher alcohol levels tend to be more bold.
On the other hand, wines that have lower alcohol, less tannin and a higher acidity tend to be lighter-bodied.
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Shop Now Another way to establish the wine’s place in the spectrum is to relate to the predominant characteristics of the fruit:
- Red fruit wines tend to be lighter in body
- Wines that have black fruit flavor tend to be heavier-bodied.
Guidelines: Wines may taste different from what they’re depicted, based on the place they’re cultivated and how they’re created.
This chart shows us several red wine varieties and the climate types they prefer. Jones et all 2006
Climate Affects Boldness in Red Wine
The most fascinating aspect of wine grapes is the vast variety of climates they can thrive. You’ll also notice that some varieties thrive only in cool climates, and the reverse is true. Colder climates are more likely to create lighter red wines, with more acidity.
Here are a few helpful lessons from this chart:
- Pinot Noir appears to not be able to grow along with Cabernet Sauvignon
- We can anticipate Cabernet Franc to have higher style based on its ability to adapt to a variety of climates.
- Merlot can thrive in cooler climates more so than Cabernet Sauvignon
- The more robust wine varieties tend to flourish in warmer climates.
- Wines with lighter-bodied varieties are typically found in cooler climates.